Wednesday, May 23, 2012

McAfee Labs Threat Report for Q1 2012

Here is just a brief overview of what is happening in the cyber underworld according to McAfee;

  1. People are starting to use rootkits more
    • almost 200,000 new rootkit samples in this quarter
    • Koutodor is at about 50,000 new samples
    • TDSS is falling (about 100,000, down from 120,000)
    • ZeroAccess is still becoming more popular (about 170,000 new samples)
  2. Fake AVs are still going strong (690,000 new samples)
  3. Autorun samples are about the same as last quarter (480,000)
  4. Password stealers are extremely popular it seems. (1mil new samples)
  5. Signing malware is also becoming more of a habit for "Hackers" (about 325,000 total samples of signed binaries, about 200,000 new)
  6. Mac malware is once again dwindling (280 new samples)
  7. fake AV for Mac is a little higher than last quarter, but still fairly low (about 150 new samples)
  8. Spam is Extremely low, and still falling (a little over a trillion messages per month)
  9. Large botnets are on the rise again (about 5mil infections)
    • Cutwail net is leading the rest by a fairly large margin
  10. Bad rep URLs are down again (about 7,500 new URLs)
  11. Drivebys and silent infection sites are up (about 800,000 malicious URLs)
  12. phishing sites are still down, but quickly rising (about 4,100 new sites)
  13. Hacktivism is also on the rise as many are taking up their cyber-arms to stick it to the man
Read the full report Here
Remeber to comment what I should post about next.

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